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Free, safe and anonymous support for young victims of crime in Devon and Cornwall.
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If you've been affected by crime, help is available

Kooth is part of the Victim of Crime service for any young person in Devon or Cornwall who has experienced a crime. Through our team of support workers, we provide emotional and practical help for young people.

If you've been affected by crime, we are here to help. Kooth is a safe place to talk about incidents and their impacts, process emotions, report crimes, find answers, and figure out what to do next. 

You do not need to have reported a crime to the police. If there is something that has happened that you are unhappy about, we can support you.

There are lots of ways to find the support you need:

Sign up to Kooth to access self-help tools, moderated live chat and speak with online mental health practitioners

Fill out the Young Devon Victims of Crime support form to arrange a callback

Call Young Devon Victims of Crime for free on  08082 810 155

Pop into one of the Young Devon YES Centres

Email Young Devon at

What is Kooth?

Kooth is a free service offering safe and anonymous mental health support for all young people in Devon and Cornwall.

Get support with one-to-one text-based counselling. No waiting list or referral needed.

Feel less alone and connect with like-minded people on our community discussion boards (all anonymous and moderated by the clinical team). 

Build resilience with self-help tools, rooted in the latest evidence.

Access exclusive therapeutic content written by our team of clinical experts. 

No fees, no long waiting lists and absolutely no judgement. 

Kooth is packed with useful resources, 1:1 support and activities to try.

Here are some recent blog posts to support young victims of crime:

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